Notes from the Lighter Side
short stories of Lee
"See all the People" pgs 39-55
"See all the People" pgs 96-100,
LHS News Article by Linda Buttery, March 2018
"See all the People" pgs 104-113
"See all the People"
Blacks: pgs 27-31
Chinese: pgs 38-39
Dutch: pgs 76-79
Irish: pgs 134-142
Italian: pgs 142-151
Jews: pgs 151-154
LHS Newsletter, January 2017
LHS Newsletter, January 2015,
Phil Smith's review of "The Two
Faces of Major General Charles Lee"
"See all the People" pgs 35-37
"See all the People" pgs 346-349
"See all the People" pgs 16-18
Dodgetown: "See all the People" pgs 16-18
LHS Newsletter, July 2016
"Lee Could Have Been a Glassworks",
article by Phil Smith